Trong IELTS Writing, các từ nối vào essay bao gồm vai trò đặc biệt trong việc diễn tả câu văn làm sao để cho mạch lạc, trôi rã và tự nhiên nhất. Từ nối không chỉ quan trọng trong những bài IELTS Writing task 1 mà lại cũng rất cần được chú trọng trong những bài IELTS Writing Task 2. 

Các tự nối trong Essay Writing Task 2

In my opinion……

As far as I am concerned…..

Bạn đang xem: Cách dùng từ nối trong ielts

My opinion is that…..

In my view…..

I believe…..



According to me…..

From my point of view…..

From my perspective…..

To my way of thinking…..

It seems to lớn me that…..

It appears that…..

I feel that…..

I understand…..

I suppose…..

Ví dụ:

It is generally believed that children nowadays are granted more freedom than those in the past.

From my perspective, the drawbacks of this trend totally overshadow its merits.

Personally, I believe that this can have a number of detrimental impacts on young people và the society they live in.

Các trường đoản cú nối được áp dụng trong phần cải tiến và phát triển Idea

– Idea 1

It is true that…..

First of all…..



To begin with…..

To start with…..

In the first place…..

Though it is true that…..

Some people believe that…..

Xem thêm: Cách Dùng Máy Hàn Mini Hiệu Quả, An Toàn, Hướng Dẫn Cách Sử Dụng Máy Hàn Que Đúng Kỹ Thuật

Many people think that…..

According lớn many…..

Some people believe that…..

Many tư vấn the view that…..

On the one hand…..

– Ví dụ:

To begin with, private healthcare insurance is very costly and many people simply cannot afford it

It is true that most individuals, especially teenagers, often use informal language with several emoticons when communicating on social networking.

Firstly, students who study online bởi not develop comprehensively inthe way that other students who attend classes at school do

Initially, students choose the environment where they can bestcultivate their skills and abilities.

– Idea 2 &3 và 4,…




After that…..

More importantly…..



In addition…..


Ví dụ:

– Additionally, this solution could easilytrigger social disagreement và resentment

– In addition khổng lồ this, the disposal of waste, especially plastic waste which emits toxic fumes if burned, should be closely regulated & monitored

– Consequently, their ability khổng lồ read & write in situations that require formality is greatly reduced.

Những từ bỏ nối trong phần kết luận

In conclusion…..

In summary…..

To conclude with…..

In general…..

To summarize…..

In short…..


To my view

Ví dụ:

– In conclusion, although social media has brought some benefits for society, the drawbacks of overusing such advanced technology to replace real-life communication is much more significant.

– Finally, the figures for both genders in the 40-45 age group remained relatively unchanged over the examined period.

– to conclude, the workplace can definitely bring many great social opportunities. The public therefore should start to consider companies and corporations more than just places lớn make a living.